10 people, 10 ideas, 10 dollars

At times it seems as if there are so little resources between too few people available for so many projects.

10 people, 10 ideas, 10 dollars.

Given that there are 10 people each with $10 and each with a ‘viable’ business idea. But that each business idea needs at least $80 invested to make it work. What should the 10 do?

Problems of such nature are what confront some of us too often. There are many people in and outside Zambia that are planning or working on projects that need investors. But at times it seems that there are many people seeking investors from other people also seeking investors. Hence the problem stated above, lets call it the 10-10-10 problem.

Of course one would need the details of each project to then decide on what the solution should be. But are there some guidelines that we can use to then help us solve this problem with the many other variables that are missing? Perhaps we can use these guidelines to decide on a project for all the 10 to invest in, make it work and then pick up another one from the remaining nine.

In a number of cases if not most, if each person waits to save or seek investors and increase their $10 to $80, this may take each person a very long time to accomplish.

I have heard that there is strength in numbers. And that a way to conquer a people or problem is through divide and conquer. When the problem of lack of wealth creation has divided millions of people. Shouldn’t we be looking at creating strength in numbers? Putting our $10 together to create a business that can then grow other businesses?

Do we perhaps all tie our business ideas with our dreams to the extent that even when our business idea is not working we continue to push the idea or we are not open to other ideas. But then again many have become successful from being persistent (in pushing their idea). So is it then a matter of knowing when to stop pushing? On top of all this, is it all new? Haven’t enough people figured out how to create wealth and or successful businesses or is it a trial and error excercise for each person or group of people to pursue?

Are there guidelines that will increase the chances of creating a successful business? Joining forces seem like a huge factor in the process?