We learn so much, had many fun days and not-so-fun days, we got an education and learnt other things. And if you went to a boarding school this experience might have even been more so. Zambian Schools Alumni Network – http://zambianschools.com/ Some school websites have already been set-up and still hundreds more to go. And… Continue reading Zambian Schools
Category: Recent posts
Zambian Food
The Zambian Food website was recently launched – http://www.zambianfood.com/ Its home to some wonderful recipes, tips and food talk. Its an idea that is growing one me and people’s lives will be more enriched from the Zambian food ideas on the site.
Why people give more
This is a follow-up on the post Why people don’t give more. Here was the conclusion from that post: “When you think about the attitude to distant strangers and where the vast amounts of the world’s wealth lie, it is hard to be optimistic about ending global poverty.” (read more) Warren Buffet is one of… Continue reading Why people give more